Tuesday, 28 August 2012


The Late Prof Wangari Maathai (Nobel Laureate) on receiving the UN Africa Prize for leadership, 1991 said:

“Another value Africans must adopt is love and concern for young people. One of the most devastating experiences is to see youth wasting away because they are unemployed, even after they have completed secondary and tertiary education, or because their health has deteriorated. African governments should give priority to investments in technical education and HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care, and support programs.
Without skills, people find themselves locked out of productive, rewarding economic activities, leaving them unable to meet their needs for housing, healthcare and nutrition. They get trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty and, sometimes, crime.
Africa needs to prepare for the opportunities and challenges to come by deliberately working for peace and security.”
As a youth, I am inspired by the kinds of dreams that motivate us to become leaders in new and innovative ways; because let’s face it, our generation needs a revolution to move this world forward always

More importantly, a good leader needs to be able to lead others and uphold the interests of their followers. Leadership does not only provide the path on which others may follow, it also ensures that leaders will point her or his followers in the right direction.

Consequently, the many youths within the country are looking upon these very leaders who will enable us to stand up and say “I’m going to change the world, I’ll start today.”...

by David Indeje

Continued here>> 


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