Friday, 31 August 2012


Many years back, they spoke about the rise of the zombies; we imagined brain eating lobotomized individuals who would cause havoc in an otherwise normal society.

Flash forward to 2012, this is it; we are it. We are witnessing the rise of the zombies. We are the zombies.
By way of explanation, zombies are literally the walking dead. The term is often figuratively applied to describe a hypnotized person bereft of consciousness and self-awareness, yet ambulant and able to respond to surrounding stimuli.

And how are we zombies, you may ask?

By virtue of our internet addiction, we are zombies. We are able to move, walk, talk, do everything normal and respond to external stimuli but are held captive by our internet addiction.
Our computers, mobile phones and a myriad of gadgets ensure that the enslavement continues into every waking hour.

Our online relations are more important than our offline relations. How many times have we heard about mothers who play internet video games longer than 36 hours, while their children starve in their plush apartments? Of teenagers who commit suicide because they didn't 'win' their games, of young people, who in following with their gaming heroes actually massacre innocent people in schools and malls? But I digress..

The situation here is not that bad, as in Hollywood bad.
We are talking about a generation of people who, apart from their gadgets which connect them to the world wide web in every way, shape or form.
Don't get it wrong, they go to work, school, attend events and are seen to be normal members of society but take away the internet for a day and the chaos that will ensue will be worse than the Mombasa Chaos (saying a prayer for Kenya).

The internet has a myriad of merits to it, we use it as an information superhighway but on the flip side, with the advent of a plethora of social media platforms, we all seem to be hooked, each to his drug or fix, and we can indulge anywhere, anytime without restraint, or so it seems.
To facilitate the addiction, there are various types of smart phones in the market for as little as Kshs. 2000 (Kabambe 3G). Let the madness begin as this person puts it,
"When im on my phone tweeting or whatever i sometimes forget where I am & get dazed like i jus emerged from a dark room". Things just got real, people!

Now that we have established our zombie-hood, we need to establish how it's all to our disadvantage.
For one, we hardly make a marked contribution in the economy except as consumers. There are no new ideas in the markets and if we think there are, they come from the same old section of people who are not too attached to their gadgets to actually partcipate in society.

Being zombies, we are low-maintenance people, requiring nothing but food, shelter and clothing, a few good times and steady stream of income to keep us going.
We care nothing for our environment, our contribution to society beyond our banal updates is base and even in 2012, our politicians can still dare to promise clean water and food in exchange for our votes! That is a response to our unthinking status. Our leaders can mess with our taxes, our security and our economy in every way, shape or form while our eyes and minds are glued to the TL for the latest game, movie, reality show or piece of gossip.

Arise O ye zombies! Take the power back in your hands and minds! Use the gadgets for enrichment and empowerment. Embolden yourselves and take back your lives and control.

Be the masters of the information superhighway not the slaves and spectators.
Participate actively and proactively, make us proud. Let us be seen as worthy and deserving of taking over the country's leadership in every sector.

O ye zombies, put the gadgets down, let's have wholesome discussions, enriched relationships, emboldened campaigns and empowered networks.

O ye zombies, arise!!

Thursday, 30 August 2012


Rumour has it that the old folk up at the hill of power will not give us room because we are lazy. Too lazy to question, think and act for ourselves and to do so responsibly, thinking everything into the future, from start to finish.

Of course we are quick to refute those claims and insist that we are able, willing and energetic enough to lead this country, to drive it out of the years of poverty and malfunctioning structures.

They could be having a point, given the recent online events with the young people seemingly wanting a short cut to wealth, fame and riches.
The campus divas diving for the rich men and campus hunks being available for the rich women.

Our folks have all along instilled in us a culture of hard work and a valuable work ethic to guide us
in all our prospects (forget our errant politicians).
That having been thrown out of the window, for whatever reason (we can blame many factors)
there seems to be a culture of greed and impatience all geared towards getting rich quickly.
After all we live in an age where our phones and gadgets are smarter than we seemingly are.

There is a sense of haste in society, especially among the young people. We want to be as rich as Bill Gates without putting in any of the hard work or smart work for that matter. We cannot be bothered to muddy our hands or brains in an effort to achieve our goals. We just cannot imagine breaking our backs and working long hours making our dreams come true.

The young college and university men and women, in  an effort to live like their wealthy counterparts who come from well-off families and to flaunt like the superstars on television are now calling upon older and wealthier men and women to be their shortcut to all these material things.
One young woman even went ahead to ask that half of her tuition be paid for by the person with whom she will be gallivanting with!!

Are we so lazy as to not recognize the opportunities that lie around us and the talents and skills that lie within us?
The statistics showcase unemployment as a sore thumb in our country's economy and this is true but given the time, energy and youthfulness we still possess, are we doomed to fail?

The resources spent in advertising flesh for sale on these social media platforms could be used to tap into intrinsic talent and skills, which will improve lives a million-fold even into the future.

Going for the rich men and women provides a drug which one cannot afford, getting hooked, stripped of one's dignity, with the pain numbed by the presence of material gains and a feeling pf being 'special'. We forget that the beautiful ones are not yet born and soon as the flesh for sale gets 'old' the vendor will be tossed to the kerb as the new thing is taken up by the tycoon.

There is a scary lack of imagination in matters professional. Nowadays, prospective employers are checking out one's social media profile without permission to do so. Therefore, should they find a candidate's activities and images to be questionable, they instantly drop that particular candidate's participation in a job interview.

No organization wants to be represented by a shady individual, even if that individual may plead to have changed his or her ways. Society can be harsh like that.
We all have a choice to make, keeping in mind as much as we may forget the mistakes of our youth, the internet does not forget.

Someone somewhere may unearth that tasteless picture of you when you're in the middle of a bid for political office or any other office in this land.
The old folk at the hill of power will use it to lock out your talent and skills out of the team that could make a change in this country. The HR manager could use that nasty picture to end your candidature for that lucrative opportunity.

However, all warnings go unheeded as we quickly gallop for the hasty riches coming to us in all forms of short cuts... Get it while you're young is the motto.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012


First of all, we need to stop calling 50 year olds and older middle-aged men "youth". Yes they have their issues too but majority of the Kenyan population are youth, now this age group is wide and as wikipedia says, "Definitions of the specific age range that constitutes youth vary".

The Power of Youth 1024x704 Youth Issues? Its an Endless List!

Youth issues are many today, from unemployment, to drug and substance abuse, to education or lack thereof. Which brings me to The Space. The Space begun as an initiative to bring about a conversation with youth from all over Kenya on social issues affecting them, the impact of PEV, and civic participation. This birthed workshops, festivals revolving on these themes and THE SPACE TV was born. Though season 1 is over (it aired at 6pm Sat on NTV), they are still engaging with the youth online to ascertain the impact of the TV show and to also continue discussions on Leadership, National Identity, Ethnicity and Responsible Citizenship. Hosted by Karen (Kaz) Lucas and Mwafrika, the show is fun and full of surprises.


This to me seems to be the biggest issue facing the youth in Nairobi today. How to survive day by day without a (stable) source of income. Most come to Nairobi from the rural areas with hopes of landing lucrative jobs only to end up spending days in casual labour that pays about Ksh 300 a day, if you are lucky....

Article by Savvy Kenya

Continued here >>


Every impoverished person dreams of the day they will finally find themselves rich, swimming in CASH, worry free and finally rid of all their problems!

This young man from a poor family residing deep in the village finally gets a chance to go to the big city to chase his dreams and hopefully make it big enough to go back home a hero.

Before leaving, his mother does due diligence and warns him of the dangers lurking in the city with the lascivious ways of the city dwellers.

This is the story of Nairobi Half Life.

The story of a young man coming to the city in pursuit of an acting career, only to be drawn into a life of thuggery in order to survive the harsh economic times.

The struggle is real. Keeping one's focus yet dealing with the temptation of quick cash. It's a gangster's paradise!

The movie premiers on Friday 31st August at Westgate malls at 2.30pm.
Catch the trailer here!!


Drugs 300x229 The Space.

There are parts of Mombasa that the regular visitor does not get to see. The routes to and from the airport or bus stop to hotels are mostly removed from the reality of life in the lesser settlements, parts of the shores, hidden creeks and deserted beaches. Areas that show the reality of the wasted energies of otherwise would be agile and productive youth who have fallen into destitution and drugs.  

Other than the cases I see on the roadside, closer home I’ve witnessed first hand the personal struggle of a parent trying to bring her son back to sanity.  She’s my first cousin and I’ve known her son since he was born. Like all parents, she gave him the best she could and by all indications, his future was bright. Then at the tender age of 14 he slipped into drugs.

Drugs turned a child she knew so well into a stranger. They ate into his psyche and physical body and destroyed everything in him that she had worked so hard to build. I saw the tears, anger...

Article by SHIKO MSA

Continued here>>

Tuesday, 28 August 2012


Every morning when I step outside my house, all I see is the tears shed by innocent Kenyans. When I set foot to the office, my feet come face to face with the tears shed by the precious Kenyans toiling for their daily bread. Whenever I log into my social media accounts, the updates I see are about the tears shed by Kenyans in other regions far from where I am.

Make no mistake, majority of Kenyans are crying every morning, every day, every night, every hour, week, month, year and have been crying for years.

The cries are laced with pain, anger, hopelessness, optimism. It’s a mixture of emotions and feelings that cannot be explained in prose.
For four successive fighting years, Kenyans have bore the brunt of our politicians’ never ending tussles that have nothing in return for the pain we endure. And even before the worst of all settles, before the wounds can heal, before new grass can sprout on the recent graves, before the tears can dry, another tussle is already on course long even before the fighting ring is declared suitable for the fight.
However, Kenyans are also to blame for the pain meted unto them, the suffering they plunged into, the misery they ever swim in, the hopelessness that always engulfs their living, the abuse they are always subjected to, the ridicule ....

Article by Obed Muindi


   Recently a page on Facebook called "Campus Divas For Rich Men" posted a slogan on the page; "Money Can Buy Us". It's basically a flesh-peddling market place with willing sellers and buyers, obviously giving the age-old Koinange street a run for its money.

It's a thigh-mongers paradise for all intents and purposes!

On this page, all the goods are on display, including details the sellers. And it seems organized too, there are pimps or managers if you please.."If you want her, hit our inbox".
Now, that's a structured business right there!

     This is not one of those armchair morality doses being handed out, it's a quest to get to the bottom of the matter. How did we get to this point? Less than 10 years ago, even campus girls would pretend they have no clue how to spell S-E-X. Now it's a free for all food fight, no holds barred, no hostages taken, or so we think.

The ladies are obviously young, with the girl-next-door looks and still pursuing their studies; with the oldest so far being 25 years old.. Anyone above 26 does not 'qualify'. Then there is one who is still in high school at 16 years and still dabbling in these miry waters.
Even the administrators of the page told the teenager to finish her studies first, ironically!

So a lot of things jump at me as I go through the page, leaving me wondering about a lot of things.

Since when did sex move to being part of the syllabus in colleges and universities? It has all along been a side show but now, it's the main agenda!

The girls obviously have their requirements but everyone gets a shot; such as married men, 30 years old and above, Luo men, white men, divorced men, etc with HIV tests being a mandatory activity. The one main thing is that all must be TYCOONS!

The administrators insist for all sufferers to keep off, serious buyers only!

Given their various definitions of beauty, there is quite a number of 'buyers' who pin their phone numbers on the pictures of the girls they desire.

One interesting thing is that even the administrators complain about the quality of pictures they receive from some of the girls. Even they want studio pictures of the flesh they intend to peddle on the page!

There is a need for quick cash, quick releases and unbridled experiences, so the presentation of the goodies up for sale needs to be made as good as possible!

So here is a supermarket or a yard sale.. What is the situation? Do we lack love as a society? Are these young women not afraid of how their families and friends see them? Are we really that hungry for money? Are we morally loose? How did we get here?

The Divas only want rich men. Does that mean the broke ones can't get love? Weren't the tycoons once broke boys who worked their way up?

What values are these that we're holding on to?

Balls erm.., ball is in your court!


The Late Prof Wangari Maathai (Nobel Laureate) on receiving the UN Africa Prize for leadership, 1991 said:

“Another value Africans must adopt is love and concern for young people. One of the most devastating experiences is to see youth wasting away because they are unemployed, even after they have completed secondary and tertiary education, or because their health has deteriorated. African governments should give priority to investments in technical education and HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care, and support programs.
Without skills, people find themselves locked out of productive, rewarding economic activities, leaving them unable to meet their needs for housing, healthcare and nutrition. They get trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty and, sometimes, crime.
Africa needs to prepare for the opportunities and challenges to come by deliberately working for peace and security.”
As a youth, I am inspired by the kinds of dreams that motivate us to become leaders in new and innovative ways; because let’s face it, our generation needs a revolution to move this world forward always

More importantly, a good leader needs to be able to lead others and uphold the interests of their followers. Leadership does not only provide the path on which others may follow, it also ensures that leaders will point her or his followers in the right direction.

Consequently, the many youths within the country are looking upon these very leaders who will enable us to stand up and say “I’m going to change the world, I’ll start today.”...

by David Indeje

Continued here>>

Wednesday, 22 August 2012


   Kamau Wa Ngengi was born to Ngengi Wa Muigai and Wambui in Gatundu village in the early to mid 1890's.  So how did he come to be known as Mzee Jomo Kenyatta? 
    In 1914 , Kamau was baptized a christian and adapted the name John Peter and later, Johnstone. In the years to come he changed his name permanently to Jomo Kenyatta. 


Kenyatta began his political career as an activist for the KCA, The Kikuyu Central Association, who sent him to London to lobby for  their Kikuyu tribal land affairs. He went on to attend the Woodbrooke Quaker College and the University College of London. He also studied economics in Moscow's Comintern School

Upon his return to Kenya in 1946, he lectured at the Kenya Teacher's College in Githunguri . It was during this time when he was elected as president of the KAU or the Kenya African Union

Kenyatta  began to campaign for independence and for the return of Kenyan land from the British colonialists. He was arrested by the British Government and charged for engaging in the Mau Mau rebellion. He was a part of the Kapenguria Six namely: Fred Kubai, Paul Ngei, Kung'u Murumba, Bildad Kaggia & Achien'g Oneko who were also tried & imprisoned in Lodwar, Northern Kenya.

    Jomo Kenyatta served as Kenya's Prime Minister between 1963- 1964  and was inaugurated as Kenya's first president on June 1st 1964.


On August 22nd 1978, President Jomo Kenyatta passed on. He was said to have been well into his 80's. 

He was survived by his wife Mama Ngina Kenyatta and eight children.

His son, Uhuru Kenyatta and niece Beth Mugo are in active politics. Uhuru is currently under investigation by the International Criminal Court after his alleged involvement in the post election violence in 2007.

Beth Mugo is an MP and the minister of public health.

   Kenya's biggest international airport, two universities, highways, the country's main referral hospital, markets, housing estates, various streets are some of the landmarks named after Jomo Kenyatta . In addition to this, his family has major business interests in the country and is reputed to be one of the wealthiest families in Kenya.

   Until 2010 Kenya observed 20th October as, "Kenyatta Day" in his honour. It was however abolished and renamed "Mashujaa", Heroes day in recognition of all the freedom fighters/veterans. 

Mzee Jomo Kenyatta is remembered for his eloquent speeches, authoritarian style of leadership and for running a fairly stable economy. There are some people who claim that the Kenyatta era was by far the most economically stable time in Kenyan history.

 He was however accused of nepotism, consolidating executive power and for setting a poor example for the future Kenyan leadership.

Here's what a few young Kenyans had to say about the Late President:

Chris Honorable Mugo "I hear he was a good economic manager and a good politician. A combination of Moi and Kibaki".

Chege Medley "His boldness to the colonialists."

Ngatia J. Bryan "All the large tracts of land he took while millions of Kenyans will forever be squatters and freedom fighters die poor."

Thursday, 16 August 2012


Akonwande Oluwole 'Wole' Soyinka was born in 13Th July 1934 in Nigeria in a small village known as Abeokuta. He's a famed Nigerian playwright , political activist and the 1986 Nobel Laureate for the literature prize.
 Here in Kenya he is best known for the play, 'The lion and The Jewel'. His other works include: Idanre, and other Poems (1967), Poems from Prison (1969), A shuttle in the Crypt (1972) Mandela's Earth and Other Poems (1988).

"My horizon on humanity is enlarged by reading the writers of poems, seeing a painting, listening to some music, some opera, which has nothing at all to do with a volatile human condition or struggle or whatever. It enriches me as a human being."

Wednesday, 15 August 2012


This week we're all about inspiration. Who are those inspirational figures in our lives who've given us the drive to do and become better?

Spotlight on our hero right here:


David Lekuta Rudisha is the current Olympic and world record holder in the 800 m. He is the first runner to have broken the 1:41 barrier for 800 m. Now how cool is he?

 As reports of a lack luster performance at the Olympics dominated the sports news, Rudisha gave many Kenyans something to be proud ofAccording to the IAAF, "It was the greatest depth 800m in history". Even Usain couldn't beat our main man if he tried! 

 We celebrate David Rudisha, our hero of the week!

Thursday, 9 August 2012



This week has been especially sensitive and emotional for many Kenyans. Tuesday the 7th day of August 2012 saw Kenya commemorating that fateful day when more than 250 Kenyans lost their lives in a bomb attack initially aimed at the US embassy which  at the time, was located in the city center.

  14 years later, it remains unclear as to whether the survivors and the family of the deceased are in a position to put this devastating memory behind them. It's interesting to note that on this very day, instead of taking time off to grieve or simply remember their loved ones, they were busy agitating for compensation, which is yet to be made for their loss. This seems to be the only opportunity for them to push their case, otherwise, they'll have to wait another year for the attention. In the mean time, who's footing their medical bills for the long term physical and psychological damages as a direct result of the attack?


   However, what amount of 'compensation' would it take to dilute the trauma and effects of loosing a loved one? There are children out there growing up without their parent (s), siblings counting one less of their own, widows, widowers; breadwinners who left a loud echo, never to be heard from again. The US and Kenyan Governments seem to imagine that this is one of those issues that will simply go away, swept under the rugs at their convenience of course.

They could be right.

So let's say it as it really is: no one cares.

There should be an MP at the very least pushing for the bomb blast  survivors to be compensated, but then again, we still have IDPs out in the cold, so let's not hold our breath...

Compensating the survivors and families of the victims is the very least that can be done. How about giving them the opportunity to tell their story? May be they can inspire others going through loss. How about if the government urgently pushes the US embassy to compensate them? This is radical but the millions spent re-furbishing the Parliament could have just as easily been used to assist the survivors of the bomb blast (and many other urgent situations that many Kenyans are facing today) .

We've already done too much for America: slavery, looting of our resources, bomb attacks, unwarranted travel advisories not withstanding. It's time for them to do something genuine for our countrymen, no agendas- just some plain old humanity.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012








Wednesday, 1 August 2012


    Sunday, the 1st of August 1982 will forever be remembered as the day Hezekiah Ochuka, Senior Private in the Kenya Air force, took over the leadership of the Republic of Kenya- for just under seven hours.The country was in panic before Hezekiah's plans were disrupted leading him to flee to neighbouring Tanzania .Hezekiah had big dreams of taking over from the Moi regime and is reported to have carved the words "The next president of Kenya" on his desk. Together with fellow soldiers, he formed the People's Redemption Council (PRC) , the party that was to govern the country under him.

Hezekiah Ochuka (centre)in the custody of the Kenya police.

Hezekiah was later on extradited back to Kenya, tried and found guilty for attempting to execute a coup de tat. He was hanged in 1987. Hezekiah was 33 years old when he died.

Others who were implicated include Kenya's current Prime Minister Raila Odinga and his father the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga.

Have a listen to the announcements on VOK (Voice Of Kenya now Kenya Broadcasting Corporation) broadcast live on the day of the coup.