Sunday, 1 July 2012


Jua Cali whose real name is Paul Nunda (born September 12 1979) is a Kenyan rapper who together with Clemo, founded Calif Records almost twelve years ago. His genre is 'genge', and he mostly raps in Kiswahili.
 He has been endorsed by Orange Mobile, Motorola and is one of the artistes under the Safaricom Live project. He's also recorded soundtracks for various productions including the "Pamoja Mtaani",  a video game created by Warner Bros.

His label, Calif Records has nurtured new talent such as Mejja, and Jua Cali has been keen on sharing the platform with upcoming talent whenever he performs.


October 2006: Jua CaliSekta Album
December 2008: Ngeli ya Genge Album

 C.E.O of Spray Uzi Kenya and a graffiti artiste of great repute, at 28, Kevin Bank Slave is considered a trailblazer in Nairobi’s thriving underground graffiti scene. Together with Swift, another talented graffiti artiste, the two have sprayed their way into the conscious of the masses and their provocative work has managed to inspire many into action.
  BankSlave believes in uplifting the youth in Kibera where he grew up and also collaborates with other like minded artistes such as Boniface Mwangi, Swift, Uhuru B & Smokillah. They recently put up a mural on several streets in the city targeting MPs and  depicting our members of parliament as vultures,stealing from Kenyans. They call it the Graffiti Revolution and so far the impact has been incredible. "It takes balls to do this", says Bankslave.

We can only hope that our MPs are watching..

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