Friday, 22 June 2012


Graffiti by Boniface Mwangi

This past week was action packed, unfortunately it wasn't quite what we had bargained for. Our honorable members of parliament were busy 'revising' our constitution (while we were sleeping..) at 1 am in the morning, just for kicks-So what's new?

 The amendment reads: 

Not withstanding any other provision of this Act and for the avoidance of doubt, a person who is nominated as candidate for election as a President or Deputy President is nevertheless eligible for nomination and may contest as a candidate for any other elective seat in the same elections.”

 Here are some of the responses from some of the presidential candidates, ahem, 'honorable' presidential  candidates as seen on Twitter:

@thespacetv hon  Hon@RailaOdinga is against amendments

@thespace no, I lobbied against marginalization of katiba and in particular the ammendments on presidential aspirants and party hopping

To the so called questioner I was in the house and I played my role

  It's good that they are showing us their truest colors before we go to the polls. Moral of the story? CHOOSE WISELY! Your vote is your power for change. Indeed the tweeps who ambushed our legislators online did a fabulous job protesting this injustice to our hard won constitution. The trending topic on Twitter this past Thursday left no imagination as to what many young Kenyans think of our leaders. The hash tag #occupyparliamentKE was fiery to say the least; it seems Kenyans, young Kenyans were not willing to take this nonsense lying down. Aren't you just glad that you don't live in Ethiopia where accessing social media websites is illegal? For once we have a protest tool as young people that we can use to protest bad leadership, bad taste in ads (Korean Airlines #primitiveairlines, hope somebody was fired!) and many other social issues affecting us in our immediate environment. 

Interestingly, in this week's episode we'll focus on Elections and what they mean to most young people in our country. We'll have the 'godfather of Genge' Nonini who'll tell us more about his project 'Color kwa face" and what he thinks of politics & endorsements by politicians

Nonini : Kenyan rapper, repreneur and activist


Boniface Mwangi: CNN Africa Journalist Of The Year winner 2008 &2010.

THE SPACE will also feature  photojournalist and social activist Boniface Mwangi, famous for bagging the CNN Africa Journalist of the Year , twice.

 And if you've had your eyes wide open, you must have seen the powerful graffiti in the city centre depicting our politicians as vultures stealing from Kenyans. His work has been all the rave and we can definitely see why! 

Don't miss out on this week's show for more. Contribute your ideas and give us your feedback, we're always looking for ways to make THE SPACE even better. Remember , we couldn't do this without you! Thank you for your support. 

 As we sign out remember:

Wherever you are, whoever you are, make a diffrence in your community by committing to positive change for this generation. We can get rid of corruption & bad leadership by the choices we make everyday. We've got the power!


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